Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Survey Results

Recently I read a discussion in the New York Times about shifts in gender norms. According to Stephanie Coontz, author of "Marriage, a History: How Love Conquered Marriage," evidently more men report feeling stress from trying to juggle work and family responsibilities. This suggests, she says, that men are increasingly identifying themselves as nurturers, not just providers. Excellent news, and no big surprise.

Then there was this:

"The best predictors of a man’s marital satisfaction are how much sex he gets and how little criticism he gets. And numerous studies show that women feel more intimacy and more sexual attraction toward — and are less critical of — husbands who participate in childcare and housework."

Wow, really??? Someone needed to conduct a survey to learn this?

Here's a link to the full discussion:


  1. or maybe men get more stressed because they aren't good multi-taskers... or so i hear.

  2. That's very possible...maybe because many of them are distracted, thinking about sex! :-)

    Actually it seems that most of us women aren't as great at multitasking as we think we are--but I don't want to hear that.

